The Reason Behind the World (IMNERHO)

on Saturday, January 24, 2009

I am LDS. That is my religion and that is how I live my life. But that doesn't mean I close my mind to other religions just because I already have one. Rather, I like to study other people's belief systems because I believe that every viewpoint has truth that I can adopt into my life to make me a better person and help me understand the world better. As I have previously discussed on another blog, Paganism fascinates me. I would almost be Pagan except they only have Dieties...nothing like a Devil or anything. And I am a firm believer that there is both a force for good as well as evil.

You see, I believe in the innate goodness of each and every human and that means that I also believe that the world wouldn't be such a horrible place for so many people unless there was a dark force feeding our darker sides. I know humans are weak and often relent when they shouldn't, but some things I do not believe even the worst of us would give into unless acted upon by an outside force. I know it sounds like fiction, but that is what I truly believe.


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